Storyline: Untitled Student Loan Debt Documentary (2015) The media and government have ostensibly refrained from a sensible discussion on the student loan debt crisis. Much of the conversation has wrongly centered on keeping interest rates low in order to keep college affordable and accessible. However, this situation is much larger than just interest rates. Rates are nearly irrelevant when compared to the total student loan debt in this country and the effects it will have on our country and economy. Our aim is to create a feature documentary on the student loan debt crisis. The film will be an elucidation of the issue and an exploration of the three key players involved: the students, government, and the universities. Our goal is refocus the debate on solutions that can fix this crisis.
Wagons East (1994)
In the 1860s Wild West, a ragged bunch of misfit settlers decides they cannot stand living in their current situation and they hire a grizzled cowboy to take them on a journey back East to their hometowns
Andy Huggins Early Bird Special (2023)
Comedian Andy Huggins performs a live stand up special in Houston, Texas
Induced Effect (2019)
Two blue collar workers form an unlikely partnership of selling illegal prescription pills to make ends meet while trying to avoid disastrous mishaps
Dagon (2001)
A boating accident runs a young man and woman ashore in a decrepit Spanish fishing town which they discover is in the grips of an ancient sea god and its monstrous half human offspring
Red Cliff (2008)
The first chapter of a two part story centered on a battle fought in Chinas Three Kingdoms period 220 280 A D
Annie Hall 1977
Alvy Singer, a divorced Jewish comedian, reflects on his relationship with ex lover Annie Hall, an aspiring nightclub singer, which ended abruptly just like his previous marriages
Mann V. Ford (2010)
Follows the Ramapough Indians and their legal team as they take on Ford and the EPA
Zombie (1979)
Strangers searching for a young womans missing father arrive at a tropical island where a doctor desperately seeks the cause and cure of a recent epidemic of the undead
The Mortuary Collection (2019)
An eccentric mortician recounts several macabre and phantasmagorical tales that hes encountered in his distinguished career
Knife Edge (2009)
A successful Wall Street trader returns to England with her new husband and five year old son, but their new start together turns into a nightmare when they move into a country house which contains a terrible secret
Mute Witness (1995)
A mute make up artist working on a slasher movie being shot in Moscow, is locked in the studio after hours While there, she witnesses a brutal murder, and must escape capture
The Harsh Light of Day (2012)
After witnessing his wifes brutal murder, Daniel Shergold makes the ultimate sacrifice and accepts the help of a dark and mysterious stranger in order to reap vengeance on those responsible
Triplecross (1995)
T C Cooper is sprung from prison by Oscar Pierce, an F B I agent, and given a task take down master thief Jimmy Ray Danker He accepts, but neither man expected the plans single complication Julia Summers, Jimmy Rays lover
We Are the Night (2010)
In Berlin, a cop closes in on an all female vampire trio who just took in a new member, Lena