Storyline: The Vanished Elephant (2014) Edo Celeste is a renowned crime novelist, who is writing the final book in the series about his alter ego, detective Felipe Aranda. Edo is obsessed with the disappearance of his fiancee Celia, which took place the day of the 2007 earthquake in the southern coast of Peru. Seven years later, an enigmatic woman brings Edo dozens of cryptic photos that may help solve the mystery of Celia's disappearance. Edo senses that he's being tempted into a dangerous game, but believes this is the only way to find his fiancee alive. A labyrinth of clues submerges Edo in a race through the streets of Lima and the deserted beaches of Paracas. His final destination will confront him with the ultimate riddle any writer could face.
Kaathal The Core (2023)
Mathew, a retired bank secretary, reluctantly enters politics for a by election The movie delves into their marriage dynamics, justice, and personal fulfillment amidst a tight knit village community
Zebra Lounge (2001)
A husband and wife, dissatisfied with their banal suburban existence, take a walk on the wild side one night with a couple they meet at the Zebra Lounge
A Taste of Evil (1971)
On her way home from a stay at a mental institution after a traumatic rape, a woman realizes that someone is deliberately trying to drive her insane
Transamerica (2005)
A transgender woman takes an unexpected journey when she learns that she fathered a son, now a teenage runaway hustling on the streets of New York
Tag: The Assassination Game (1982)
College assassination game turns deadly as someone starts playing for real
Red Tomahawk (1967)
An army captain tries to convince the inhabitants of a village to hand him over two machine guns so he can attack the indians
Mister America (2019)
After representing himself and beating a murder charge, a concert promoter runs for the San Bernardino District Attorneys office against the prosecutor of his case
Tabara (2021)
A group of teenagers go to a summer camp to get rid of the lack of technology Various character stories happen until teenagers realize that summer camp is not what it seems But it all ends well
The Beaver Trilogy (2000)
In 1979, filmmaker Trent Harris visits the small town of Beaver, Utah to film a talent show Impressed by a performer called Groovin Gary, he recreates Garys act in 1981 with Sean Penn and in 1985 with Crispin Glover
The Truffle Hunters (2020)
Deep in the forests of Piedmont, Italy, a handful of men, seventy or eighty years old, hunt for the rare and expensive white Alba truffle which to date has resisted all of modern sciences efforts at cultivation
The Spirit (1987)
A legally dead police detective decides to battle crime as a masked superhero
G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987)
The heroic G I Joe action force must oppose the ruthless Cobra organization that has secretly allied with a subterranean reptilian people who were their founders
Message from the King (2016)
Jacob King, a mysterious outsider from South Africa, arrives in Los Angeles to look for his missing younger sister