Storyline: The Sisters Brothers (2018) Based on Patrick DeWitt's novel, The Sisters Brothers revolves around the colourfully named gold prospector Hermann Kermit Warm, who's being pursued across 1000 miles of 1850s Oregon desert to San Francisco by the notorious assassins Eli and Charlie Sisters. Except Eli is having a personal crisis and beginning to doubt the longevity of his chosen career. And Hermann might have a better offer.
Lake of Death (2019)
Lillan and some friends travel back to the remote cabin by the little lake, where her twin brother died last year, and soon after arriving strange things starts happening Inspired by the 1958 classic horror film
Sense and Sensibility (2024)
Regency England. Of the two Dashwood sisters of marriageable age, Elinor, as the oldest, is the sensible, practical one, and Marianne is the die-hard romantic. In keeping to her word to her dying father Henry to keep the family together and seeing the writing on the wall that her half-brother John w
My Favorite Fabric (2018)
Upon the Arabic Spring a young woman rents a room in the neighbors brothel where she can dream about her sexual desires and identity
Three to Tango (1999)
A rich businessmans assumption that his new colleague is gay leads him to ask the man to keep an eye on his mistress However, the man is not gay, and begins to fall for the woman himself
Every Time a Bell Rings (2021)
Three sisters reunite in their hometown of Natchez and discover their late father planned one last scavenger hunt for them to find the familys wishing bell an annual holiday tradition As they search for clues their bond is rek
Romance of a Horsethief (1971)
In 1905, Polish horse thieves living near the Russian border find their livelihoods threatened by the new Russo Japanese conflict because the Russian army requisitions all horses and forcibly conscripts all men for the war
The Scarlet Clue (1945)
Charlie discovers a scheme for the theft of government radar plans while investigating several murders
The Seeding (2023)
A man finds himself trapped in a desert canyon with a woman living off grid who is captive to a pack of sadistic boys
Swedes in America (1943)
Ingrid Bergman talks about Swedish Americans
Gates of Darkness (2017)
A dramatic mystery where a haunted teen endures a terrifying exorcism in the hopes of unlocking shocking secrets about the church and his family
Sha po lang 2 (2015)
While undercover officer Kit is taken prisoner by the syndicate, he befriends his keeper and discovers an organ trafficking ring
Laurens Dream (2023)
Follows Lauren as she tries to achieve her dream of opening an art gallery while dealing with her mixed emotions about her husband She recruits The Love Club to help her move on, but instead they come up with a plan to keep them
Toki o kakeru shojo (1983)
A high school girl acquires the ability to time travel
Sunshine Love (2014)
Kil hos got a life changing civil service exam coming up, but his true dream is in the world of comic books When fe falls for an old crush, Jung sook, Kil is inspired to chase his comic writing dreams, even when Jungs mother stand
El costo de la vida (1989)
Beginning in the late 80s, Mexico started experiencing some rapid economic ups and downs mostly downs This melodrama explores what one of the downturns does to Miguel Rafael Sanchez Navarro, a young man working in an archite