Storyline: The Nest 1980 In a town near Salamanca, an eccentric 60 year old widower is captivated by an imp, a precocious 13 year old Alejandro is wealthy and alone, passing time with music, chess, and his shotgun Gregoria Goyita, the daughter of a weak willed policeman and his bullying wife, is a budding naturalist who conspires to meet Alejandro Although he knows the village is talking, Alejandro spends time with Goyita, on walks, horseback rides, and dinners Hes enchanted and tells his friend the village priest that hes living for the first time Goyita makes new demands on Alejandro, and he must decide how to be true to his ethics and to this Platonic yet highly charged relationship
What You Gonna Do When the Worlds on Fire? (2018)
What You Gonna Do When The Worlds On Fire is the story of a community of black people in the American South during the summer 2017, when a string of brutal killings of black men sent shockwaves throughout the country A meditation o
Madonna and the Breakfast Club (2019)
The documentary story of Madonna s struggling days in New York with her first band Breakfast Club, leading up to her first solo record deal
The Minx (1969)
Ruthless, power hungry Henry Baxter, president of Lawson Industries, makes plans for the corporate takeover of Benjamin Thayers company, Eastern Devices, by covertly purchasing its stock through a Swiss bank In order to remove Thay
Chaco (2020)
In 1934, Bolivia is at war with Paraguay Liborio and Ticona and other Bolivian indigenous soldiers are lost in the hell of the Chaco, under the commandment of German Captain Kundt Theyre looking for the Paraguayan enemy that th
Espera (2018)
How do we kill time What happens in those in between moments in which nothing seems to be happening Against the backdrop of a society marked by speed and constant movement, Espera invites us to slow down and immerse ourselves
The Bezonians (2021)
In the Bezonians social club in North London, A group of down and outs scheme, plot and dream of becoming rich and breaking out of the monotony of their dreary and financially impotent lives
4 Days (2016)
4 Days tells the story of two college friends who slowly realize they mean more to each other than either had initially realized 4 Days joins Derek and Mark in the days leading up to Valentines Day over the course of a few years c
Kreola (1993)
Gorgeous Kreola Demetra Hampton joins her husband Andy on a business trip to Santo Domingo, and finds her fidelity crumbling as she enters into a torrid affair with a handsome fisherman named Leon
Sarah Millican: Outsider Live (2016)
Sarah Milliccans live comedy show, exploring the topics of her relationship, pets, and outcast experience as a child
Ao: The Last Hunter (2010)
When his clan, including his wife and baby girl Nea, are massacred, Ao, a desperate Neanderthal, decides to leave the North country where he has been living for the South where he was born His aim is to join his twin brother, from w
Double Tap (1997)
A drug lord targets an undercover FBI agent and the hit man she falls in love with while tracking
Parasites (2016)
Three friends find themselves lost on Skid Row and are captured by an angry homeless gang
The Kid (2019)
The story of a young boy who witnesses Billy the Kids encounter with Sheriff Pat Garrett
Time Out (2018)
One man seeks his soulmate in a world where women call the shots and men are sent back in time to atone for their dating blunders
Party Bus to Hell (2017)
When a party bus on its way to Burning Man filled with a bunch of sexy young adults breaks down in the desert and in the middle of a group of Satanic worshipers, all hell breaks loose