Storyline: The Crying Dead (2011) This film tells the horrifying story of the cast and crew of a new reality TV show investigating the paranormal. When the team is denied access to the Ettersburg hospital, they decide to sneak in and explore at night. Ettersburg hospital, believed to be haunted after the tragic death years before of three young girls burned alive in an apparent accident is to be the pilot episode. What starts out as an uneventful evening exploring the dark halls of the expansive hospital, turns into a fear filled nightmare when one of their team goes missing. As the team separates to search for their missing friend, they find themselves running for their lives as one after the other they fall victim to the hospital and its crying dead.
The Unquiet (2008)
Two teams of ghost hunters investigate an old haunted prison
Haunted Maze (2017)
Clancy and his carnival of misfits, roll into a sleepy mid western town for their annual Halloween festival Some are looking for a good time Clancy has something else on his mind
A Very Harold Kumar Christmas 2011
Six years after their Guantanamo Bay adventure, stoner buds Harold Lee and Kumar Patel cause a holiday fracas by inadvertently burning down Harolds father in laws prize Christmas tree
Murder in the Lens (2018)
A police officer discovers shortly after his retirement that his last case might have resulted in sending an innocent man to jail, and it seems to be connected to children that now have gone missing
Grease 2 (1982)
A British student at a 1960s American high school must prove himself to the leader of a girls gang whose members can only date greasers
Welcome to Curiosity (2018)
Four interconnected stories surrounding the escape from prison of a notorious serial killer
The Sea Wolf (1941)
After being fished out of the sea by a sailer, three fugitives find themselves prisoners of the ships brutal skipper who refuses to put them ashore and they hatch an escape plan during a crew mutiny
Rubber (2010)
A homicidal car tire, discovering it has destructive psionic power, sets its sights on a desert town once a mysterious woman becomes its obsession
Do You Like My Basement (2012)
Do You Like My Basement tracks how one mans creative frustration bore a need to make the perfect horror film Stanley Farmer was rejected universally by the film world His frustration provoked a darker side and soon cunning, guile
Excess Will Save Us (2022)
A young film director, returns to her family village after a terrorist alert was triggered As she films her family members in their power dynamics, she comes to understand that they are more connected to this event than she origi
Turning Red (2022)
A 13 year old girl named Mei Lee turns into a giant red panda whenever she gets too excited
Xia nan yang (1974)
Decent, simple, honest Chinese farmhand and ace martial artist Tai Lin goes to the Philippines to seek his fortune He befriends scruffy petty street hoodlum Siao Mao and gets a job as a dock worker When Tai Lin discovers that the p
Due Season (2022)
After being accepted into the conservatory of her dreams, Vicky Waters must win a competition to stay, but to do so hell need a secret weapon Gospel Music
The Canterbury Tales (1972)
Pasolinis artistic, sometimes violent, always vividly cinematic retelling of some of Chaucers most erotic tales