Storyline: Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya 2012 In a quaint village of Haryana lives Miny, a free spirited tomboy who instantly wins your heart with her bubbly personality Her father, Bhatti, runs an auto rickshaw business and is adamant to marry her off against her liking to Sunny The male protagonist Viren, is a humble and ambitious rickshaw driver working for Minys father Bhatti, insecure about Virens success, sells of all the rickshaws where Viren had carefully stashed his life savings In an attempt to recover his money from Bhatti, Viren storms into Minys engagement with fury This gives Miny the perfect opportunity to escape her marriage and so she stages a kidnap However, the kidnap goes all wrong and she and Viren land up in Virens family mansion Eventually, Minys father arrives with the ransom that she had asked for and takes her back home Back in Punjab, while she is being married off to Sunny, it dawns on Viren to go rescue her as he realizes his love for her But will he manage to do so is what remains to be seen in a dramatic and comic climax
Second Honeymoon (2001)
A couple celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary make plans to separate but are given a surprise second honeymoon trip to a tropical island
Three Secrets (1950)
Three women who secretly gave up their newborn sons for adoption in 1945 wonder if the 5 year old survivor of a plane crash, named in the the local newspapers, is their long abandoned son
Money Crazy (1977)
Ducky is hired by Rich Chen to transport the diamonds he stole from Uncle Pai Mary Uncles Tough Guy and Mary would like to get the diamond from Ducky, so they volunteer to relieve Ducky of his responsibility
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The filmed account of a large Canadian rock festival train tour boasting major acts like Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead and The Band
Mr. Blanchards Secret (1956)
A mystery writers imagination gets her in trouble when she turns her overstimulated mind to her new next door neighbors and wonders why she has never seen the wife
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Makuko (2019)
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Oscar Arias: Without a Shot Fired (2017)
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Intuition (2020)
Pipa begins her career as a police detective alongside her mentor, the controversial detective Francisco Juanez Together they must solve the violent murder of a 19 year old girl
The Passion (TV Movie 2016)
The Creator of the universe in human form makes the ultimate sacrifice for all humanity, offering salvation to all who believe
Perfect Timing (1986)
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Last Ones Out (2015)
A sceptical American man is stranded in the middle of a zombie infected Africa and must trust the help of three mysterious strangers in order to make it out alive
Same Time, Next Christmas (2019)
Circumstances conspire to keep apart a young woman and her childhood sweetheart, whom she first met during her familys annual Christmas visit to Hawaii
Belichick & Saban: The Art of Coaching (2019)
HD A quick look at the HBO Sports Special Belichick Saban The Art of Coaching