Storyline: In the House of Flies (2012) June 1988...Summer Was Never The Same. In the House of Flies tells the story of young lovers whose lives are inadvertently changed forever. An innocent couple, Heather (Lindsay Smith) and Steve (Ryan Kotack) suddenly find themselves abducted. By whom? For what purpose? Alone, isolated and locked in an undisclosed, suburban basement, Heather and Steve find themselves pawns in a psychological, mind-game with their diabolical hosts. Surrounded by several mysterious and locked suitcases - each containing valuable clues to their very own survival - Heather and Steve must exploit what remains of their bruised intellect and depleting sanity, to escape the authority of their unidentified and brutal abductors (Henry Rollins, Ryan Barrett). From this day forward, summer was never the same.
Medieval (2022)
The story of fifteenth century Czech icon and warlord Jan Zizka, who defeated armies of the Teutonic Order and the Holy Roman Empire
Josh Blue: Broccoli (2020)
Josh Blue dives deep in his newest Comedy Special, Broccoli, exploring the craziest of topics From discussing the ghosts of the past, those in his home, and the future of his Comedy, you will surely be rolling in laughter
Crime Does Not Pay (1962)
A husband tries to kill his wife using the plan he saw in a film But real life is not a film
Dead End Street (1982)
Based on a true story Alice, a young street walker, receives an opportunity of a lifetime when a television crew casts her to star in a documentary about prostitution in Tel Aviv Alice, a
The Best Man (1999)
Just before his best friends wedding, the life of a Chicago writer becomes crazy when his best friend guesses that his new books story is based on his brides fervent past
This Is Elvis (1981)
The life and career of Elvis Presley are chronicled in home movies, concert footage, and dramatizations Subjects include early performances, army service, Ed Sullivan Show appearance, marriage, 1968 comeback, health decline and deat
Baxter, Vera Baxter (1977)
In response to a new friends queries, Vera recounts her life, starting with her no good husband Jean, who has been using her to keep his failing building business afloat up to the present affair shes having with Cayre Depardi
Reunion of Champions (2021)
A quirky dramedy about a group of diverse fighters with special abilities who once saved the world from a great evil, who then reunite years later while coping with the mundane existential ennui of crumbling marriages, unfulfillin
Student Of The Year 2012
Several alumni reminisce about their final year at St Theresas College and the events that shaped their lives
The Piano (1993)
In the mid 19th century, a mute woman is sent to New Zealand along with her young daughter and prized piano for an arranged marriage to a wealthy landowner, but is soon lusted after by a local worker on the plantation
Mean Creek (2004)
When a teen is bullied, his brother and friends lure the bully into the woods to seek revenge
Lethal Legacy (2023)
After the mysterious death of a wealthy businessman, his last living relative, Anna, learns she is the sole heir to his inheritance However, Annas life gets upended as those around her start getting murdered
Punjab Nahi Jaungi (2017)
A man vows to win the heart of the woman he loves
Stripped to Kill (1987)
When Detective Cody Sheehan discovers the body of a stripper from the Rock Bottom dance club, she wants the case But the only way Cody can get the assignment is to go undercover uncovered at the club