Storyline: Critters (1986) Critters, an amusing horror comedy directed byStephen Herek, is the story of a family menaced by eight basketball sized creatures from outer space who arrive at their Kansas farm in search of food. Helen Brown (Dee Wallace Stone) and Brad (Scott Grimes), owners of the farm find themselves held hostage as the creatures roll, jump and bounce around during the night. They are pursued by a pair of inept, intergalactic bounty hunters, Charlie (Don Keith Opper) and Johnny (Terrence Mann) who can shape-shift at will and are packing weapons capable of taking care of any creature they encounter. The special effects of this humorous thriller are extremely good and the creatures themselves have distinct and separate personalities.~ Linda Rasmussen, All Movie Guide
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr Jekyll faces horrible consequences when he lets his dark side run wild with a potion that transforms him into the animalistic Mr Hyde
Erotiko pathos (1981)
Since her parents death, 19 year old Della lives with her voluptuous middle aged aunt Marsha and her old husband Andrew Marsha controls her inheritance until she marries and organized an engagement with Dino One morning Marsha has
Demigod (2021)
Upon the death of her grandfather, a woman and her husband return to her birthplace in Germanys Black Forest, only to find a terrifying secret awaits them
Beast of Whitehall (2016)
August, 1976 Three boys driving an isolated stretch of road encounter a Bigfoot with glowing, red eyes They report it to local police who go on to have a sighting of their own This is the incredible, true story of the Abair Incide
More Than Blue (2009)
K loves Cream but has terminal cancer so he keeps his love for her secret and tries to find a mate for her before he dies so she will not be alone after he dies
The Curse of the Screaming Dead (1982)
A group of Southern deer hunters stop at a church graveyard in the woods Their activities arouse the corpses of long dead Confederate soldiers, who attack them
Billy Elliot (2000)
A talented young boy becomes torn between his unexpected love of dance and the disintegration of his family
Dark Hearts (2014)
When struggling artist Colson, finds his muse in sultry singer Fran, their daring romance spirals out of control into a dangerous game of deception and betrayal
Story of Judas (2015)
The last days of Jesus into Jerusalem, from the perspective of an unexpected Judas, presented as the closest of his disciples
Sex, Secrets & Betrayals (2000)
Maggie takes matters into her hands when her boyfriend gets in over his head with gambling debts She agrees to be a gangsters sex slave for a week Things get complicated when his personal assistantundercover agent blackmails her
We Belong Together (2018)
A recovering alcoholic college professor trying to put his life back together meets a seductive new student She offers him a sensual escape from reality until he realizes she may be insane
Inside the Shein Machine Untold (2022)
Chinese fast fashion giant Sheins success story is unrivalled, but at what cost Iman Amrani investigates the infamously secretive business, as hidden cameras go inside factories for the first time
Violent Delights (2020)
The already rocky relationship of expecting lovers Lizbeth and Javier is put to the test when they become entangled with a disenchanted vampire couple
Myra Breckinridge (1970)
After undergoing gender reassignment surgery, an aspiring actress travels to Hollywood, where she also wants to make a claim on her wealthy uncles estate
The Greatest Love Story Never Told (2024)
Behind-the-scenes with Jennifer Lopez as she independently produces a new album that explores her twenty-year journey to self-love.