Storyline: Arc (2006) Set in the belly of Los Angeles' criminal underworld, Arc is the story of Paris Pritchert, a former police officer turned drug dealer and addict, who embarks on a quest to find a missing child in the hope of redeeming his eroding character. The only catch is, like all addicts, Paris' confidence completely relies on the drugs in his system and -- in this case -- his firm belief that he can succeed in his mission if he can just stay high 24/7 and alive long enough to see it through. To aid in the endeavor, Paris enlists the help of Maya Gibbs, an African American prostitute versed not only in the language of the street, but also in the words of Maya Angelou and Nadine Gordimer. And together, the path of this dysfunctional duo crosses with those of the child's parents, a doctor with a penchant for soliciting "Street Boys", a self-ascribed King Of Porn, a drug supplier with a gift for making impeccable hors d'oeuvres, and a hardened cop with more scams than the most adept street hustler. Told through a variety of visual techniques and color schemes, Arc unfolds as Paris' search leads to places he never expected. It is a search filled with the dimness of an addict's life, the shadiness of perverse characters and the budding friendship of two people with nothing to lose and everything to gain. And most of all, it is a search filled with answers. Answers to the child's whereabouts... answers to Paris' relationship with his own mother and father... and answers to the existence of a criminal mastermind known only as "The Wolf".
The Hand of Death (1976)
A survivor of an attack on a rebel group opposing the Manchu invasion of China creates the Goose Fist fighting technique and tries for revenge on a traitor
Ticket of No Return (1979)
A woman presented as a trinkerin is having a special tour in Berlin She bought herself a single way ticket and will drink everywhere she can
Youre Human Like the Rest of Them (1967)
William Hoyland stars in this legendary, multi award winning short film directed by the modernist writer and film maker BS Johnson Youre Human Like the Rest of Them is an adaptation of
Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller (1988)
When the joker Tommy Tricker plays some practical jokes on some of his friends, his best friend Ralph, a stamp collector, discovers the secret of stamp travel to make him travel around the world on a stamp to bring back the myst
Askin Saati 19 03 (2023)
The film is about the spirit of Besiktas, which a grandfather wants to inflict on his grandchild
Beautiful But Dangerous (1955)
Rome, 1905 Lina, a music hall singer, has fallen in love with Sergei, a Russian prince Maestro Doria, who gives her voice lessons and who hopes to make her his mistress, takes her to Paris where she becomes the star of the Folies
Point Defiance (2018)
A bachelors beautiful, isolated home becomes a hostile prison when his troubled brother returns from military duty in Afghanistan, forcing them to unearth their violent past before another dark secret is buried
Cleopatra (1934)
The man hungry Queen of Egypt leads Julius Caesar and Mark Antony astray, amid scenes of DeMillean splendor
Fatal Visit (2019)
Yanny leaves Hong Kong to escape a love affair gone bad She goes to San Jose to visit Ling, an old friend she hasnt seen in years It seems like Ling and her husband Tang lead an ideal, carefree existence But during the short span
Final Victory (1987)
An affable guy gets more than he bargained more when he halfheartedly agrees to watch over the wife and the mistress of his incarcerated brother and gets trapped between the women in a love triangle right before the parole hearing
The Man Behind the Scissors (2005)
A psychological thriller about a series of murders committed using scissors, the people who carried out the murders, and the police who are trying to catch them
Craters of the Moon (2013)
A young couple on a cross country road trip lose their way in a blizzard and wind up stranded in the middle of nowhere As the days pass, their relationship slowly deteriorates, leading to the films chilling climax
1st Night (2010)
Adam is a rich industrialist, who aspires to a more cultured world Spurred on by playful jibes that he is little more than a city suit living the capitalists dream, this frustrated amateur opera singer decides to throw an opera in
Django Unchained (2012)
With the help of a German bounty hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal plantation owner in Mississippi