Storyline: American Valhalla (2017) Directed by Andreas Neumann and Joshua Homme, American Valhalla tells the story of an unlikely musical collaboration between two mavericks of American rock: Joshua Homme, frontman of Queens of the Stone Age and Iggy Pop, the Godfather of Punk. The film, co-directed by Homme, follows the recording of Iggy's final album 'Post Pop Depression' in the California desert, with his band comprising of Homme, his QOTSA bandmate Dean Fertita and Arctic Monkeys' drummer, Matt Helders, as well as the explosive tour that builds to a crowning performance at London's iconic Royal Albert Hall. Featuring stunning cinematography and intimate access, American Valhalla reveals the growth of an intense bond between the musicians who have taken to heart the mantra: "you risk nothing you gain nothing".
Isi & Ossi (2020)
To realize their culinary and boxing dreams, the daughter of a billionaire forms a mutually beneficial alliance with the son of a struggling single mom
Museum Revolution (2015)
A revolution changes the social and political landscapes of a country, but first and foremost it changes the physical landscape For centuries none of the city centers of the world capitals looked nothing like the Maidan in the
O Melhor Verao das Nossas Vidas (2020)
Bia, Giulia and LauraBFF Girls try to sing in a music festival, but their parents cant find out, because they got educational recovery at school
Jesus Revolution (2023)
The true story of a national spiritual awakening in the early 1970s and its origins within a community of teenage hippies in Southern California
Victor Crowley (2017)
Ten years after the events of the original movie, Victor Crowley is mistakenly resurrected and proceeds to kill once more
Lets Start A Cult (2024)
After missing out on a long awaited mass suicide, an obnoxious cult member teams up with his former leader to gain a new following
Fire in Babylon (2010)
Feature documentary about the great West Indies cricket team of the 1970s80s
Audrey Rose (1977)
A stranger attempts to convince a happily married couple that their daughter is actually his daughter reincarnated
Pink Opaque (2020)
Los Angeles film student struggles to graduate while navigating a budding romance and reconnecting with his estranged uncle leading to a renewed uncertainty of his future
The ryojoku (1987)
Eto gets a call from the police telling her of the death of her twin sister who was killed by a wolf near a small town She travels there seeking revenge without a clue about the truth behind her sisters death
Jewel (2022)
A story about an unlikely love, and how some memories can never be forgotten
Christmas in Evergreen Tidings of Joy (2019)
A skeptical writer shows up in Evergreen to get the scoop on the towns famed passion for Christmas during a search for a long lost time capsule
Wacko (1982)
Thirteen years after the Lawnmower Killer killed her sister, high school student Mary Graves and obsessed detective Dick Harbinger are on the lookout for the killer to reappear during the annual Halloween Pumpkin Prom