Storyline: Alien Mind Control: The UFO Enigma (2015) This fascinating documentary offers an unprecedented look at a group of individuals who claim to have had life altering UFO encounters, and discovers the unique psychic abilities they unknowingly share. From unexplained sightings and alien contact, to prophetic dreams, clairvoyance and astral projection, we explore the phenomena that has surrounded these "experiencers" from childhood to their adult years. This documentary explores the theories of who and what the "visitors" really are, and uncovers a plausible scenario for their intentions, as well as the government's involvement in suppressing this information from the public. Perhaps the greatest revelation is the shocking possibility that the alien visitor's greatest acquisition will be achieved, not from probing our bodies, but rather by invading our minds. "Riveting insight into a global phenomenon." - United Media Network. "The shocking truth about the Alien Agenda is something that the people of Earth are not prepared for." - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies. "Humans are under the control of a strange force that is bending them in absurd ways, forcing their role in a bizarre game of deception." - Dr. Jacques Vallee.
Lynch (2007)
Compiled from over two years of footage, the film is an intimate portrait of David Lynchs creative process as he completes his latest film, Inland Empire 2006 We follow Lynch as he discovers beauty in ideas, leading us on a jo
The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards (2017)
Based on short stories from Robert Boswells collection, seven vignettes explore the difference between fantasy and reality, memory and history, and the joy and agony of the human condition
The Lodger (1927)
A landlady suspects her new lodger is the madman killing women in London
Love Toy (1971)
A compulsive gambler gambles away his own nubile teen daughter She becomes his opponents sex slave
The Saviour (1980)
Inspector Tom is a tough cop, but has a soft side Once a week, he plays day foster father to a young boy in an orphanage
Sweet Justice (2009)
Four women run a private child support clinic by day but are collectors at night seeking out deadbeat parents and using seduction and force to make them pay up
Nothing Special (2010)
Nothing much The story is really genuine
All My Sons (1948)
During WW2, industrialist Joe Keller commits a crime and frames his business partner Herbert Deever but years later his sin comes back to haunt him when Joes son plans to marry Deevers daughter
Timecrimes (2007)
A man accidentally gets into a time machine and travels back in time nearly an hour Finding himself will be the first of a series of disasters of unforeseeable consequences
Tales of the Black Freighter (2009)
A mariner survives an attack from the dreaded pirates of the Black Freighter, but his struggle to return home to warn it has a horrific cost
Redemption (2013)
A damaged ex special forces soldier navigating Londons criminal underworld seizes an opportunity to assume another mans identity
Still Mine (2012)
An elderly couple fight against local authorities in rural New Brunswick to build their final home
Deadly Inheritance (1968)
The death of a surprisingly rich railroad worker leads to mysterious murders within his testamentary heirs
Robin and Marian (1976)
Robin Hood, aging none too gracefully, returns exhausted from the Crusades to woo and win Maid Marian one last time
Fortress of War (2010)
A war drama set during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, in which Soviet troops held on to a border stronghold for nine days