Storyline: About the Pink Sky (2011) High school student Izumi Kawashima, whose daily routine is rating newspaper articles, finds a wallet containing a large sum of cash. Instead of returning the wallet to its owner, Izumi decides to lend a substantial portion of the money to a middle-aged male acquaintance. She eventually returns the wallet to its owner, a wealthy high-school boy named Koki, who notices the missing money, and as compensation, asks Izumi to do something for his friend - to create a newspaper that brings happiness to its reader.
Night Cops (2023)
When the greatest cop in Los Angeles goes up against the most sinister diabolical criminal, only one can stand, and only one can fall
Game of Love (2023)
It follows Audrey and Matthew They are tasked with creating a new game to help players find romance As they try to work together, they discover something they have in common they each have a lot to learn about love
The Point Men (2001)
Some time after their botched operation to capture a known Palestinian terrorist, a team of Israeli agents starts to get killed off one by one Their leader must get to the bottom of things before the killers plan is complete
Cry Now (2016)
Cry Now follows the electrifying sexy encounters between Vincent, a street poster artist, and Luzy, a tattoo designer But Sofia, Vincents obsessive ex girlfriend, is not ready to let go
The Young Chief Winnetou (2022)
Winnetous tribe is in dire straits There is a threat of famine as the all important buffalo herds are now failing As the headmans son, young Winnetou wants to prove to his father Intschu chuna how brave he is and how great a w
The War Tapes (2006)
Called up for service in Iraq, several members of the National Guard were given digital video cameras This film, edited from their footage, provides a perspective on a complex and troubled conflict
Mindcage (2022)
When a copycat strikes, two detectives ask a top serial killer for help
Tomie Forbidden Fruit (2002)
Tomie terrorizes an artistically inclined young girl and her widowed father, slowly integrating herself into the family
Stronger (2017)
Stronger is the inspiring real life story of Jeff Bauman, an ordinary man who captured the hearts of his city and the world to become a symbol of hope after surviving the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing
Character (2021)
A kind man aspires to become a comic creator, but villains and evil deeds do not come easily to him Things take a surprise turn when he comes across a family who were described as idealized that are no more
Overfed & Undernourished (2014)
Overfed and Undernourished examines a global epidemic and our modern lifestyles through one boys inspiring and personal journey to regain his health from the inside out
Sales Per Hour (2020)
A young woman faces a moral dilemma when she witnesses a sexual encounter in a dressing room at the clothing store where she works
On the Fringe (2022)
Interwoven stories told over the course of one day
Heartbreakers (2001)
A mother and daughter con team seduce and scam wealthy men
The Missing Tourist (2017)
When a Japanese tourist goes missing in Canadas remote north during a trip to view the Aurora Borealis, a community is left reeling for answers in this unsettling and revealing cultural mystery