Storyline: A Nightingale Falling (2014) Set in Ireland during the War of Independence, two sisters' lives are changed forever as they care for a wounded soldier in their home. What transpires in this historical period drama, is a tragic love story of an Anglo-Irish household and its inhabitants, caught in the crucible of deep dark secrets. Framed against a backdrop of a turbulent war-torn Ireland in the early1920's, May Collingwood is forced to make critical and difficult decisions when she rescues a British soldier and must now protect herself and sister Tilly. They live in fear of the British Black and Tans, the rising IRA, their own entrapment, and ultimately the dark secrets of un-requited love unfolding from within.
The Longer, the Better (2021)
After a practical joke turns their boarding house owner against them, three buddies go to absurd lengths to spend time with her charming, single niece
Hitlers Disastrous Desert War (2021)
When the British army looks set to defeat Mussolinis Italian forces, Hitler sends reinforcements the Afrika Korps led by General Rommel The Desert Fox is on winning form until Montgomery, the British commander, sets up a plan t
Mistletoe Time Machine (2022)
It follows a group of ex best friends who are forced back together when a magical incident sends them back to an important moment in their past
Hearts in Atlantis (2001)
Widowed Liz Garfield and her son Bobby change when mysterious stranger Ted Brautigan enters their lives
Zwischen den Jahren (2017)
Becker is a German ex con trying to hold down a job as a night watchman, but a chance encounter with the man whose family Becker killed 18 years earlier sends his new life spiraling out of control
Bufords Beach Bunnies (1993)
Fast food mogul Harry Buford serves up the best barbecued bunny sandwiches, and the hottest waitresses, in town His only son, Jeeter, will inherit the empire only if he can overcome his life long fear of women When Buford offers 1
Runt (2020)
Neglected and unsupervised, a group of high school seniors are pulled into a downward cycle of violence
About Elly (2009)
The mysterious disappearance of a kindergarten teacher during a picnic in the north of Iran is followed by a series of misadventures for her fellow travelers
The Minis (2009)
A talented team of basketball players made up of little people enters a tournament to help a teammates son go to college
Demons (2014)
A young rock band visits a deserted house to record their new album but things take a nightmarish turn when their Satanist manager attempts to open the gates of Hell
The Wolf Knife (2010)
The story of two sixteen year old girls living in Hollywood, Florida We follow the girls from Florida to Tennessee, and watch as their lives become complicated by lies, jealousy and love
An Affair to Forget (2022)
Wife seeks the help of a young woman to find out if her husband is having an affair The plot thickens when the young woman falls for the husband instead
A Trip to Infinity (2022)
Does infinity exist Can we experience the Infinite In an animated film created by artists from 10 countries the worlds most cutting edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind bending implicat
The Fox Affair (1978)
Felicia Fox, a skilled fighter slumming as a meter maid, helps out two likable con men when they are marked for assassination by a rich, vengeful victim of one of their schemes
Breath (2022)
Lara Winslet is an expert geologist in volcanology She is together with her team of work on a volcano to conduct surveys At the end of a working day, Lara decides to stay a little longer to finish an exam and she remains so alon