Sister Street Fighter: Fifth Level Fist (1976)
Although not an official sequel Shihomi plays a different character, the film is often referred to as a sequel to the series Kiku Nakakawa, the only daughter of an old kimono shop owner in Kyoto, is enthusiastic about karate In o
Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony (1969)
The industrial revolution comes to Japan with the introduction of the railroad system This led to clashes between boatmen, whose livelihoods are threatened, and the railway construction workers
The Streetfighters Last Revenge (1974)
Mercenary karate master Tsurugi is hired to retrieve a cassette tape which holds a very sensitive recording of governmental corruption A back and forth game of who got the tape ensues
Nippatsume wa jigoku iki daze (1960)
A photo taken of Takakura and Shindo both sporting full upper body tattoos, something not the common in pre 1963 yakuza films