Loving Leah (2009)
A quirky love story revolving around the unexpected wedding and unconventional married life of a 26 year old widow and her late husbands brother, a handsome 30 year old cardiologist
Doc (1971)
Doc Holliday, the cold blooded sharp shooter, reunites with his old friend, Marshall Wyatt Earp, to take down the Clanton gang in the dusty town of Tombstone, in Arizona
Melvin Purvis G MAN (1974)
Agent Melvin Purvis is placed in charge of running down notorious killer Machine Gun Kelly, and sets out to do just that
End of the Road (1970)
After a catatonic episode on a railway station platform, Jacob Horner is taken to The Farm, a bizarre insane asylum run by Doctor D After being cured, Jacob takes a job as an English lecturer and begins a disastrous affair with